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 The substance called coal & found up Trinity River, particularly at Oceola the largest deposit of it appears to come under the head of recent bituminous lignites formed by the action of water on wood & other recent vegetable matters - having none of the chemical characters of the coal - measures, which consist of alternate beds of coal, slate-clay, shale & sandstone; & rather belonging to the Alluvial Us? what is sometimes termed the Deluvial formation.
 The flu?catile muscle I have found in great abundance in the Medina river, west of San Antonio - here the geological formation is very different from that on Trinity river.
 Ammonites are considered to be of native origin, these are found in the San Gabriel river N.N.E. of Austin, in a formation probably partaking of the character of the hilly ranges about Austin & the range known as the "Colorado hills" called limestone & rotten? limestone.
 It may be observed here, that as yet nothing has been discovered in Texas that has any relation to the great coal fields west of the Alleghany Mountains; although it is sometimes asserted, that the coal on the Trinity is a continuation of the great American coal deposit & that it extends down river to the Rio Grande!  I mention these circumstances to put people on their guard & prevent imposition on the subject in particular.