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Cambridge The 10th of August 1676

There is a very unhappy? matter lastly acted by some unclear (as is a unclear) toward there squad & 3 children belonging to the Natike indians, who were on unclear last getting Hurtleberries? at a hill called by that name, of lies between? unclear unclear unclear let me about midway : two of unclear squad are the areas? of unclear principal of our Indian descendants? unclear Andrew unclear y unclear, alias Thomas spouse?; & one? of them a sister to Andrew: with her childern unclear squad had unclear two or 3 pairs before at unclear place. & were not disturbed; indeed (as I heare) most of the English of that neighborhood well know unclear squad unclear squad of this people of Natike & did gather Hurtleberries? at this place; which she unclear of the indieans for want of food unclear them to euedeuer unclear land? times for supply. There 3 squad & 3 childern are naine. as is couceued by some English. The names? of the unclear suspected to do this mischeefe are unclear unclear; the particular relatiyo to this Tragedy I shal leave to the wisnedded to relate; I shall only add a word or 2 how farre. I have acted in it yesterday morning Andrew unclear came to mee, to desire advice what to do for the squad not coming home; he feared some unclear by theue, 2? unclear I gave him an note to two Englishmen & Andrew proposed to me, to accompany him to search for squad: 4 this day y English y accompanied him wizh unclear brown? & unclear gale of unclear came to me & informed they cannot find the squad or childern though they have unclear Andrew another serchad for you, but they farther report to me together unclear unclear have the (bearer here of) who acuse unclear the unclear I can give you a particular account of matters if you please to call him before you desire the lord will give wisdom to the hounorable count to search into this matter, so as may conduce most to the glory of God upublike good; to wish my humble setuice unclear I remain your humble servant Daniel Gookin love

postscipt The names of the 4 psond suspected for killing the squad & childern are Daniel Goble Steven Goble Nasohnic Nilolen Daniel Heard who separated from? you afterward there were 13 English of you company unclear- 3g you called writer by surname - 3 called unclear by unclear unclear unclear Daniel Floance unclear unclear unclear & Philips, two? of unclear unclear men? Daniel Dame, unclear [[unclear unclear

All the unclear went for unclear together to check? for the enemy what? they heard were scne (some of you) not far they came all to the hill where there? squad were & unclear unclear you & staid som time with you unclear