173 1. The duty us?all suitably means to preserving our own life & the life of our fellow men. 2. The unlawrulness & great sin of taking away our own life, or the life of our fellow men. 3. The duty of govern.g our spirits, our passions & appetites & bring.g them into subjection to the principles of religion & of cultivat.g the opposite virtues of the christian tempers.
1. We are to preserve all lawful means to preserve our own life, by using with moderation & temperence, the bounties of providence, given, for the support, nourishment & continuance of the life of the life of the body. The bounties of nature are liberally dispensed for the nourishment of life. The ground, the sea & air all labor to prepare food, nourishment, cloth.g & comforts to men. But the toil & labor of man are necessary to bring to maturity & to fit for use & comfort, most of those things that give growth & nourishment to our animal life.