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the house and attends church though not as regularly as she used and very seldom complains of pain. but at times feels faint and her pulse almost ceases to beat. I am persuaded of two things that it would be better for all of us. Mother, M, and I, as to health if we could get away. and that for the present we cannot. I think Mother is almost if not quite as well as she was last summer. Sarah. I wish you were near us or with us. I think you would do Me, good there is more tonic in a cheerful, loving heart than in medicine, and I think that is the tonic that M, needs. and if we only had all of you would we have a good time We are looking for Cousin Mary, every day and I think M will be glad to see her. and I'm sure I shall. she is like another sister to me. She shares all my perplexities as well as any good feelings.

You mention Father's picture. we had none taken lately none - but ambrotypes or daguerrotypes. The best is a small one

diagonal cross-text: learn to speak so good English? I never learned it. it grew up with me and I'm sadly afraid I'll forget it unless I go back to America soon. That speech I imagine would an with a [canerry?] laugh. I'll stop or I shall render illegible what I have written.

A kiss Ollie