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could help. We hope you will find time to write to us after it starts off. You dont know how eager we are for letters and every kind of news from home. How soon will they commence haying? We have got some very nice dried beef now. I wish had some like it, we often speak of Anna as we eat it. William says I had better send her a piece in this. Hattie Woolcot is here, she came last night. She intends to go to Brooklyn to visit some of her friends tomorrow. Are Lewis and all the family well? It is getting late and I must close. I fear this is not a very good letter but perhaps it is better than none at all. Mary said she intended to write but I hardly think she will have time just now, as she is out this evening and I want this to start in the early morning. We all send love to you all, and to Mother especially. Affectionately your daughter

                   S.A.E. Prichard.