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Thou does find me this [unclear] my birthday. Up [unclear [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] at my home in my farmer life. Here are the [unclear]. [unclear] of [unclear] [unclear]. [unclear] are no means of grace, no private prayer. All thoughts are turned to earth. All like the [unclear] the much take intnt on the glittering pulp berlow [unclear] of the angel [unclear] proffering the [unclear] immortal crown. Gold not Religion claims mens thoughts bere. Most of the time have I been favoured with the preaching of the [unclear] [unclear]. yet this is not a small part of a Christians duty. [unclear] and love [unclear] [unclear] are my requirements to Divine [unclear]! Yet my heart hath not wholly forgotten the Lord. Nor have his [unclear] passed [unclear] there [unclear] yet the embers of gratitude and devotion. Faith strong and ardent. Though lacking [unclear] manifestation through [unclear]. Remember not my transgressions O my God! Be not [unclear] to mark my inequiries. Nor make haste to punish my sins. Revive me again O Lord! Heal my [unclear]. Forgive my [unclear]. and focus on the Spirit of thy grace upon me! Such [unclear] thou find on this [unclear]. [unclear] more [unclear]. certainly no better. I [unclear] solemn in view of thy farewell. Another year thou [unclear] with eternity. Another year's book is [unclear]. and it records [unclear] to the great day. Thou [leave?]me again. To [unclear][unclear] the world. To sail on life [unclear] sin. to changes. storms and calms. to [unclear] to all those terms and chances which befal men. to another year strife. when all [unclear] be lost and [unclear] undone. I am but a man. have hope and fear. sympathies and feelings. ambitions and interests. virtue with many faith and failings. shall I suffer on in the years past. [unclear] there still [unclear] trials before me. or shall my years. glide [smoothly?] and [unclear] [unclear]? I put [unclear] [unclear]. shall I [unclear] the next year no [unclear] than I [unclear]? Help me that fact [unclear]. May come to exhaustive hope of joy. [unclear] [unclear]. sober hope ever to [unclear] of flight and [unclear] realities. Modify judgements of the future .