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John Eddie is very much delighted to have Robbie here. He sleeps with him and is out around with him a great deal, we hope it will do him good. Amelia Evens is going to teach our school this summer, will commence in May I think. - Young Hugh Thomas has got another baby number two he is about two weeks old. Jenine Davies (Jim Davies) has got a little girl not quite a week old. All parties (Anna says we do not attend such parties) are doing well I believe. Our plants look nicely now. I wish you could see them. That flower stand that Mary and Charlie made is a great comfort and just the thing we needed. Did you know he was married? the event took place a few weeks ago. Anna is better than when I wrote last, indeed she is pretty smart, and to consider. When the roads and ground are settled so that she can go out more we hope she will gain faster. The rest of us are pretty well. Sis, dont stick too close to that button mark. Write soon. Love to both from us all. and from your aff. sister

       Sarah A. Everett.