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place. I do hear from Obie occasionally he says they like it there very much. none of the girls have written to me. Tomorrow is the fourth of July, the fifth is to be celebrated here. I presume you will have a grand time there, While I have been writing this we have had a most delightful shower. Last Sabbath there was a great storm near here but -- we had only a little rain. There has been, and is still a great deal of iciness around here. You have probably unclear of Dear little Willie Charles's death, his loss is deeply felt by his parents and numerous friends, but the thought that he is that happy land where there is neither darkness or death - pain or grief - somewhat consoles them. Ellen Libbie, Sisters Mary and Maggie and your unworthy friend Sarah unite in sending much love to you. Please excuse this horrid writing as I am in an awful hurry. Adieu Sarah unclear unclear