145 but shall dwell principally on filial duty because of its chief importance & because it is chosen by the Deity to stand at the head of those several social & relative duties. I shall then by divine assistance,
1. Show what are the duties & obligations of children to parents. 2. What are the duties of parents to Children 3. What are the mutual duties that belong to them in their several social & relative connections. Child. adopted the same duty mutually. 4. Enforce the important duties of filial piety from the animating encouragement held forth in the text, to those who honor their parents.
The precept command.g children to honor them implies that they are bound to ?ouenes?, love & obey them, to honor them is to show them all suitable respect - to love their persons - obey their lawful commands & promote their comfort. The word honor, applied to the duties & obligations of children to parents is of extensive mean.g & comprehends all the duties & offices of filial piety. It is word used to express the various duties that Mankind owe to their civil rulers. The command to honor the King, implies all the duties, which as subjects men are to the government, that they are under. The apostle also expresses by it, all the duties that bind men to each other, in all relations. Render to all their due, tribute to whom tribute - honor to whom honor. The duties comprised in filial obedience, have usually obtained the name of filial piety.