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Regula Utilissima in Arte Magica Coniurationis operatio debes esse cum Luna sit crescens, et par, nec combusta. Operans sit purus et nitidus per novem dies ante incoeptionem operis, confessus et comunicat habeas fumigium assignatam dies, Aquam a sacerate benedictam-, vas fictile novum aqua plenit vestem, et pentaculum: et sint haec omnia rite et veste praeparata et consecrata. Unus e Discipulis ferat ignem et fumigationes alius librum, alius vestem, et pentaculum; Magister ferat gladium super quo dicatur [illegible] Si [illegible]. In medio gladii scribatur Agla [cross symbol] in alio tatere On [cross symbol]. Eundo ad locum conse- crandum dicat Litaineis, et discipuli respondeant.

Sit Circulus factus de Pergamente fixus in terram consecrates: tune aspergatur Aqua benedicta et dicatur-Aspergas me Domine [hisopo] et mundabor Lavabis me et supra nivam dealbabor. Magister igitur [Jeiunio?] castitate et ab omnia lux et substinentia purificatus saltem triduum totum ante diem operationis; die antem ipso mundis vestibus indutus cum pentaculis fumigiis et rebus ad hoc necessurus ingredietur circulum et a quatuor mundi partebus [illegible] flexis dicet--O Michael, Gabriel, Samael, Raphael Sachiel, Anael, et Cassiel, Angelicos omnes. estote airutores meue petitroni, et mihi in meis rebus auxilium ferte. Per hos igiitur Angelus omeneres Angelos Dei vos spiritus quius invocare exorcizamus intendo et constringere, adiuro et contestor per sedem Adonai [symbol] Hagios O Theos Ischuros Athanatos Paracletus Alpha et Omega; et [symbol] hoec nomina [illegible] Agla, On, Tetragramaton implore quodens ut

Gabriela....geperez1@live.com The most beneficial rule in the Art magic When the moon was forming operation must be it is increasing, and the the match, nor was burnt. The Operator is pure and clean for nine days Before the work, and communicate confessed perfume appropriated to have a day of water sacerate benedictam- vessel new pot full of water a garment, and the pentacle of: and let them be properly instructed in all these things, and dress prepared and even the offering. One man of the servants carry the fire, and perfumes, and let and another book, another a garment, and the pentacle of; Master said that the issue on your [illegible] If [illegible]. In the midst of writing might of swords [cross symbol] In another tie on [cross symbol]. Going to the consc- be consecrated to say Litaineis, and the disciples to answer.

A group made of parchment, transfixed consecrated, then sprinkled with water blessed me, and one-Purge [HYSSOP] You will wash over me freezing snow. Therefore, Master [Jeiunio?] Honesty and at least in the light of all the purified and substinentis the whole of the three days before the day of the operation; the day before When the clothes were clean pentaculum Clothinge and shall go in, and the real order so necessurus ring and the four parts of the world, [illegible] Kneel to say - Oh, Michael, Gabriel, Samael, Raphael Sachiel,,, Anael, and Cassiel! The angels there all of them. Be airutores move petitroni and my my concerns assistance. IGII these angels as the angel omeneres I intend to exorcise the spirit unfair to call and tightens, they charge, and take a seat I was [symbol] Hagios O Theos ischuria Défunte The comforter alpha and omega; and [symbol] All these names [illegible] Agla On, tetragramaton to fill quod enim