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Remsen Dec. 18 '72 Dear Sara,

  We did not go to the post-office Monday night and so did not get your letter till just at evening yesterday. There was a meeting and Wm Thomas' shop of the officers of the Bible society and father went to that and Cynthia to Gwen's for a little out - she was to come home with pa is there was a letter from you saying you were not coming, but pa found no such letter so he came home alone. After supper and just as Tommy and Eddie were ready to start

get married again - it don't pay. Cynthia and father will probably take this down. The roads are none of the best - the snow comes too fast to be well trodden, I'm going to church Sunday evening, the house got down in a snow drift and we all had to leave the sleigh except pa and ma We got pretty snowy but no harm - since then we have taken to the lot, and that is the way you must come home. -Jennie