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give you more details until I am positive of them. I am sorry I cant do anything for Anita Anderson. I shall not be director and have nothing to do with the stage. All I can do is introduce her to agents. Mr [?] company and Mr Jones's have been filled for weeks. I introduced Anita to our [two unclear words] if she had written me earlier or during the vacation I might have done something for her, as he was pleased with her appearance, but I had my play to think of and forgot all about her, as she did not write me about, as I told her to in Chicago. I did place one of my boys with Mr Mantell, but the Company is full as regards everybody, [two unclear words] be and Mr James open in two weeks and are rehearsing. Give my love to Phil Grace. I am so thankful you are well and happy. You can begin to pack up very soon. Love to the Quinns. Grace is very well. Haven't heard from Jule Parrott in answer to mine. Grace thinks Mary expects another baby, which would account for Jule's silence, but they are all so queer, "You never can tell." God bless and keep you, dearest. I said the beads for you to-day and remember you at Mass. Kittie sends her love. Love and kisses - Always Your devoted son, Fritz August 20th, 1905