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are willing to try it; it is so easy and pleasant to take, that I wish you would give it , a fair trial of one month. I think in two weeks, you will experience such benefit from it, that you will gladly persevere , in its daily use, for some months. It is very gentle in its action, on the kidneys and bowels and through these natural channels, throws the impure blood, which occasions Gout, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia; gradualy out of the system. I think you can continue the use of your Nitric Acid, as you ought to take that, just before eating; and the Sassaparilla, immediately after eating. Our physician Dr. Carman, has the formula, from the Laboratory of, J.C. Ager; as the firm do not object to sending the Formula, to any reputable physician, who asks for it. I will go over to see Dr. Carman,