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Fort Sully Dac. Ty Jany 13, 1884 My Dear Jim, Your very pleasant & acceptable letter of 4th is just recd.

In regard to the money matter, you will recollect that I am not making an ordinary investment but providing as safely as human action or human foresight can, for the support of my unfortunate sister in case of my death.

Personally there is no one on earth to whom I would more willingly lend (when the loan is in the nature of help) than to you but as this loan is for the benefit of another the very affection I have for you is a reason for hesitation in lending. With a man for whom I had no special affection I could demand my interest or forclose, but it would be so great a trial to forclose on you that I might be put to serious straights by your failure to pay interest, before proceeding to that extremity.