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[Stamps: Headquarters Dep't Dakota Rec'd. Dept of Dakota Rec'd Jan 1883] Dodge. R.J

Col. N. Infy

Personal to Genl. S Breck

Recommends, for the good of the service that Private Alu Mamo? (unclear) who shot a civilian Employee at Fort Sully, while on duty as sentinel, be not tried by Genl. Court Martial

Gives reasons

2d Endorsement

Headqrs. Dept of Dakota, Judge Advocates Office,

By order of Brig - Gen'l Terry, R.P Hughes#

Fort Smelling, Jany 4 1883 Infty Fort Sully

Respectfully returned to the Adjutant General of the Dept. The department commander has directed that no further action be taken in this case.

Respectfully Forwd to Col R.J Dodge


Captain 3d Artillery Acting Judge Advocate

  • Gen Terry says hold until the changes come when he will look into this matter