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Milledgeville 27th May 1829 Dear Sir: M. Sims the former Clerk of the Superior Court of Hancock County, appears to be under some difficulty in consequence of the recording business of his office, and the minutes, not being brought up, at the time he was succeeded in that office, by the present incumbent. The difficulty does not occur from any unwillingness on the part of M. Sims to perform the work, but, as I understand the matter, from a doubt in the minds of some, whether the Inferior Court of the County may not order the labor to be performed by some other person at the expense of M. Sims. was M. Sims dead, did his representatives refuse to have the work done, then indeed there might be some reason for the opinion that the Inferior Court might interfere in the matter; but, can the Inferior Court take cognizance of the neglect or default of a clerk of the Superior Court whilst in office, or is he not exclusively subject to the order of the Judge of that Court? This is too plain a proposition to require a reply. But whatever doubt may be entertained on this subject, that doubt must arrise from a want of knowledge of the Law, for I find by a Sect: of an Art passed 6th December 1813, that "All Sheriffs and Clerks of any of the Courts of this state, shall at