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expiration of Judge Taits time, and when M. Eliott mentioned to me his intention which was last Nov? I informed him that I thought M. Forsyth ought to be brought forward if possible. he then partly promised me, that he would not offer if M. F. did. from these circumstances, + others which might be mentioned, I think M. Eliott ought to offer for Col. Troups vacancy. If this arrangement can be affected we can with more certainty manage the Election of Governor. For this last appoint. I have not the least objection to either of two Gentlemen in Augusta, because, I believe they possess honor and integrity, and I was never yet so illiberal as to believe, that a man was incapable of serving the State faithfully, because, he did not agree with me on some points of politics. If however, the Standing Candidate should again condescend so far to comply with the pressing solicitations of his friends, or to put his name in nomination, which I have no doubt he will, there is a choice between the two Gentlemen I have alluded to: the one can take more votes