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old, Rye Whiskey, for your xmas gift from me, and hope you will relish it very much. Packed in the box with the demijon of Whiskey, is a small bottle, of a liniment, which I want to have you try, when your Rheumatism troubles you; it is very powerful, and you must only bathe, very gently with it, for not more than ten or fifteen minutes, at a time, and not bandage the limb after useing it. Before rubing with this liniment, the affected part, must be well soaked for ten minutes, in water, as hot, as you can bear it. I know of several severe cased of Rheumatism, that it has given prompt relief to; it is the discovery of a young Chemist, whom we all know well. It is to be used, three times a day, and on retireing for the night. I shall send tomorrow by mail, to Laura, a little xmas gift, of a