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1 in top right My 26th Birth Day. Natoma California. Nov 13th 1849 Strange are the uncertainties? of life. The family? merchant? to day is a beggar to morrow. The fraud who unclear on? hand this week. The unclear his unclear in the grave. The scholar who unclear is ranked high in homes? and intellectuality? but shortly is found among the unclear slaves? of unimportance. Every passing year unclear in new circumstances is filled with new unclear or unclear the changes of our? unclear our? unclear or unclear. Tis not life alone which is subject to solitude? though this is a uncertain unclear as the wind that unclear the Earth.that? every thing. connected unclear our ladies, our unclear, our affictions, our unclear, and positions?. Every passing unclear with the structure, unclear, bring ing it to uncertainty? or unclear if? unclear with our opinions and our feelings. Changing the one unclear are unclear ready to and? uncertain every unclear. The unclear covering the happiest everything? or the unclear is unclear with our circumstances unclear us in new locality. and stuffing the journal and unclear around us as unclear shifts in a day?. We know not what shall befall us, the certainties to day unclear the enigma of to morrow, what was? joyful becomes the subject of unclear, what maybe? allowed, becomes that unclear to be avoided. Man is a being where? only unclear only certain future, death and the unknown thereafter. How then am I unclear as the years flit by and each unclear day unclear on to eminence? and that? my annual unclear to unclear the changes which take unclear in my new life, to [[hietny?] to scents. Scarcely two? together friends unclear in the unclear are connected with? to unclear by the unclear feeling and the same prophets?. Such are the changes that I unclear and say when shall I unclear and be at meet?. This day year I unclear in Albany? settled in unclear by friends, and by all the unclear and unclear of unclear life, to day I am thousands of miles distant in the unclear of California. unclear and unclear me? form my farms?. unclear with that few unclear around me, and with hardly a semblance of social life visible.