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3 For example he says. I am the vine, ye are the branches. I am the bread of life. I am the door. I am the Good Shepherd I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life I am the resurrection and in the text - I am the light of the world. + The Bible is luminous with passages which represent X as light. First we have a corruscation of prophetical passages. Isaiah calls him the "light to brighten the gentiles and the glory of his people Israel." Malachi Says "Unto you that fear my name Shall the Sun-of-righteousness [crossed out: shine] arise with healing in his wings". Even Balaam Exclaiming "There shall come a Star out of Jacob". And Zacharias Standing upon the horison of the worlds new hope - ushered in the glorious morning with the proclamation. "The day spring from on high hath visited us to give light