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21 tossed on the billows of troubled waters. The love of Jesus once burning in your soul, [crossed out: because] is now an old story. The name of Jesus which was above every other name, [crossed out: came to have] has no sweetness in your ear. and the prayer circle once the gate of heaven, no longer enchants your soul. [crossed out: And perhaps this way be your case to-day]. If all see this is so, what shall [crossed out: I say to you. Come back, come back to your duty. You know what that is.] You know that the world has a hundred followers where Jesus has obne. Enter once more the service of your Lord; prove yourself a disciple indeed; learn of Christ, and follow Him and you shall again "find rest unto your souls", [crossed out: For said CHrist "my yoke is easy and my burden is light".] However arduous the duty, it is easier to be a christian than not - This is the grand argument of Christ's appeal to men. Take my yoke upon you" for my yoke is easy Every other submission is galling, every other burden is oppressive. The pleasures of the world may offer peace,