with having committed during the Spring and Summer. These the Chiefs acknowledged, and attempted to show how they had been provoked by white men, so that their young men could not be restrained, but they were interrupted by the putting of other questions, so that their recital was not heard. "Bull Bear" - one of the Chiefs - said in reply to the charges made by the Governor, that they did not want to complain; it was true that there had been war, but they now wanted peace, and were disposed to let bygones be bygones, and to submit to any terms presented to them, and had all along been trying to make peace. That as soon as the Governors proclamation reached them a letter of submission was prepared by the Chiefs of his tribe, and his brother undertook to delilver it at a military post, which he approached with signs of peace, but he was shot down and killed. For them to come to this Council, wsa like coming through fire. He expected to lose his own life, for he had little hope of