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1794 unclear unclear 6 Four of the Sachems unclear Clear Sky, Redjacket, Saguaresy and another his name not known to us, being a Deputation? from the Indian Council came to our lodgeing with Horatis Jones Interpreter, they informed they had something of a secret nature to communicate, & desired us to retire with them to a suitable place, which being complied wiht Redjacket addresed us nearly as follows. Indian Speech Brothers you see here four of us of the six Nations who are a unclear at this place in the will of the Great Spirit to transact the Business of the Treaty, you have been writing here a long time, unclear by our Chiefs, & as yet no marks of respect have been shewn you, we understood you told Saguaresy that you should not have come but at our request, that you stood ready to afford us any assistance which lay in your Power. Brothers. We hope you will make your minds easy, as we who are nowhere are but Children, the antients being deceased, we know that you & our forefathers transacted business together, that you look to the great Spirit for his direction & assistance, & take no part in war, Brothers, you all know the proposals made by us to Col. Pichering, as well as the offers made by him to us, we are now all in the presence of the great Spirit, and we place more confidence in you than heretofore as you expressed your desires for peace, we now desire