proceed from humaine creatures, they came to our camp where there was five prisoners.
myself and another Englishman, and
three English Indians, my master told me come and sit down by him, and to tell ye of yy prisoners to sit each man close his master, they came to our camp dancing yiewlling, and one of ye squaws come to me and took me by my arm and I suppose bid me come to, but my master told me to sit still, & by no means stir out of my place; and ye squaw abscond in a very harsh manner there was an old Indian in their company that spoke exceeding good French, who came to Captain of our Indians Viz ye herons, and desired he would gratifie them so far as let them have y pleasure of dancing round us prisoners, he was obliged to speak French, and therefore I had y opportunity to understand the substance of what he said. Captain of y herons was a verrey subtle cunning fellow, and answered to this effect. Viz