Anne Racine Wis. July 23. 1850 Brother Joseph
I shall be very happy to receive an emanation from your pen as soon as you may find it convenient and agreeable to honour me. I would kike to be informed respecting Isaac's present locality, business, intentions, and prospects. I received a letter from him about two or three weeks since which I think some of answering as soon as I shall be informed whither to direct a letter. During the past week, this community had been favored with the presentation of the subject of Psychological Biology by a gentleman who I am told has lectured in Bangor by name of Buvoy? Dodge a Universalist minister: I attended one evening by chance, he found one subject whom he could influence he endeavoured to explain 'the science' by attributing it to the phenomena of electricity - has undertaken the cure of a woman who has been confined to her house mostly to her bed for a year or two with spasmodic action of nerves connected with the heart: he states that any person who is a subject of this mesmeric influence, can be cured at once of any disease whatever. The influence