according to the sitting, sometimes a thirt? theTide, and sometimes stern formast, we lifted one cannon and one swivel, and four or five small arms at the enemey, but they being so many in number, while some where imploy in launching there cannons, the rest without any intermission when continually pouring showers of shott upon us, and kept their own men under cover till they boarded and took us which, was all compleated in unclear then ten minuts from the begining of their assault I was affraid the would have taken up the paquet unclear and as providence ordered although the bulletts flew amongst us like hail from the heavens, yet there was but one man hurt amongst the Sia?, and he slightly wound in the back, Even the man at helm escaped where there was five balls struck the Tiller, I believe there was not two minuts difference between their boarding the two vessels, after we was taken and carried ashore with our hands, pinioned fast behind us, they halled our