9 her babe for Puras? the youngest That prayer was and unclear although we were all heathen and unclear heard of the Saviour or the bible. O what sorrow must have been in my mothers heart when we started but she believed that the great spirit would take care of her child. A length my father an Parrevea at St. Augustin and sold off all of our skins and furs and we wer about to set out for home my father met king Philip. They were very very glad to see each other and concluded to go into a hous and as they thought have some pleassure. It was one of those which we always see in large towns at the corner of the struts which have fire water in them staving every in the face which they sell to every body that wants. O Pheay God every day that He will take a all away so that there may be no more left to tempt people and kill them. When King Philip and my father had got in there they began