away sends a chill to my heart for fear that she will grieve the Spirit away; and yet I cannot help feeling that the Lord loves her and will yet bring her into the ark of safety, and knit us together in the bonds of Christian love and fellowship if not in the sweet bonds of wedlock. If I can only see her rejoicing in salvation I can more contentedly relinquish all thought of making her my wife and remain as I am. Oh! Lord, give me sustaining grace I beseech thee. Sunday, Decem. 1st. - Have labored under a severe head-ache, more or less, since Friday evening. Sermon this morning on Epp. 4, 30. Theme - Grieving the Spirit. - But what missionary work has to do with grieving the Spirit is what I do not perceive. Among all the principles of action enumerated in the fourth of unclear as courses of grief to the Holy Spirit love of missionary work is, certainly, not sure mentioned. After touching lightly on several of the sins spoken of in connection with his text, the preacher entered into severe condemnation of mission any work outside of the church (that is McDougal Street Baptist Church) by its members, and insisted upon every one devoting their energies and time exclusively to the church; using all the old and worn out arguments ever uppermost in the selfish heart ambitious of self agrandisement, and always ready to play unclear