May 16 Casablanca Morocco - nine Moors - & black Arabs (3 hrs to desert) call to prayer on minaret - leather goods - (2 bags) French stores & cafes. Market & old quarter. snake charmer Sultans palace - harem - sweet peas - May 18 Lisbon - Portugal (?Radios?) from home & Jack to Bill by the Tagus River & anchor at cobble wharf with oblong basin full of colored wooden fishing slips with (unclear) masts 38 of them. (Unclear) could jump from one to the other. Market - crickets in cages - flowers - Street cars to monastery & Tower of Belem dome of Estrella (& park) sprinkled slippery streets - next day Cintra XX castle ((unclear) plan) view of Moorish min & sea - Town Hotel Nounes for lunch, strawberries & cream. Moorish Palace new courts etc - Portugese Riviera a Sea - Lovely sunset from deck.