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lican ideas engendered from their infancy - They consider themselves "as good as anybody" to use their own expression. They consider that their ancestors got along very well without [crossed out] education & they think that they may do the same. -- It is a pity indeed that a people of so many natural good qualities should be so dead to their intellectual progress. They are Roman Catholics - The day after my arrival Ed. [unclear name] & Kelly being obliged to go some miles into the back country, they invited me to accompany them, the [unclear -ability] of seeing a deer hunt being inducement. As we cantered along thro' the wild woodlands, Kelly, that embodiment of Irish heart & humor, entertained us with the "WIdow Malone" & other choice Irish lyrics which he sang with a clear voice & native expression- The dogs accompanied us & we met with no other than false alarms produced by the scent of some innocent rabbit when we reached a [unclear] where [another?] hunter proposed to add his hounds to the pack & having stationed my friends at points where the deer were likely to pass I accompanied in on a "drive" as it is termed. We had [crossed out] searched hill & dale for