Sat. Sept. 4 1897 a.m. sang at funeral of Mrs. Edwd Woodruff on W5 St. p.m. Chas. Elli & I wood lot cut wood. Jo. paintg. Father & Keyes to Lake & brot back Nelson. Sun 5. Beautiful warm day Roy taught class. Knapp preached. Fred Reeve sick. Called on Frank Luther, S.T. Sears, and W. Phipps. 16 at Lake Ave. S.A.H. Williams at C.E. Mon 6. Labor Day. very warm. Red Cow Henrietta got astray in night, found at Geo.'s. Chas. Eli and I cutting wood all day. Jo painting house. Azariah and France here to dinner and they and Annie and baby and colored girl Mary went home in p.m. We kids went in swimming before supper. Tues. 7 Nette's birthday 24. very warm. First day of school. Jo. went to Oberlin Cora Baker came to work for her board. a.m. ran all over town after singers for Henry Hart's funeral. Mises Wetcher & Chapman and Mr. Philpott. p.m. went to funeral. eve. ran all over for singer for old Mr. Youngs' funeral. Wed. 8 very warm a.m. Chas & I picked Bartlett pears. p.m. Geo. M Youngs funeral 92 yrs. old. than Chas. Nelson & I to wood lot picking pears, & crab apples. Thurs 9 hot. 120 degree F in the sun. night warm. a.n. played huckster