The before mentioned is probably the best etc. route. Others might be adopted, viz. R.R. from Portland to Lawrence, thence Lowel, Nashua, Manchester But as a general rule if you wish to go from any one point in New England to any other, go first to Boston. It is usually the best way to go from Brunswick to Bangor, or from Portsmouth to Manchester, or Manchester to Keene.
The above answers your enquiry as regards Lowel; as for Royalston or Warwick they are harder points to reach. Via, Fitchburg, & Vt. & Mass. "Nashua Groton, Fitchburg, Vt. & Mass. But I will tell you all about that & those when you get here, you want to go no where else till after you come here. Moreover should you go into that out of the way section of the world, Royalston & Warwick, your best point first would perhaps be the Celebrated "Grouts" where resides your most valuable cousin, as far as I am acquainted. Take them all round, that is as far as I am acquainted: I have about come to the conclusion that our relatives are not much superior to "common folks, as one might be led to imagine. There is a great deal in the "breed". Sometimes you will find just the right "Cross" Much obliged for your view of your parts. It revived in my mind a very distant impression of the whole condition and adjoinments at Milo. Did me almost as much good as a visit there. Jane"innominata" made me laugh as Engineers are not apt to laugh
I do not know whether I have ever replied to, or mentioned the receipt of a letter of your & Mother's, directed to Grouts after I left there, and received by me a very long time out of its regular course, a few weeks since. Several letters had passed each way, while that was wrongly delayed at Grouts. I regret to the loss of a letter. I suppose, from Mother, sometime last winter. I have never seen or heard thereof except in allusion in other letters.