of the island. She has a large body guard, who continually keep near her person. When her meals are brought to her every one must clear the track as they are very suspicious for fear the queen might be poisoned. She is never allowed to walk but when she goes abroad she has slaves to carry her, for fear the fatash men or priest shall poison the ground and there by kill the queen. There are many good workmen in the city and whilst at chajunga I saw several with printed dictionaries of the English and Malagasky language printed in (Tamanarivo?) (it is a remarkable circumstance that every word ends in a vowel and that they have no words of one syllable) it is a soft and melodious language and apparently a pretty one. Majunga is the north point of the Bay of (Bembatooka?) and is a low sandy point whilst just back is a high hill on which the governors house is built. The town of the same name is the largest in the Bay. Nearly south of Majunga is the city of Bembatooka only not so large. Neither of them being overgrown. The Governor came on board to see the ship he was rather an ill looking man. Not as fine looking as his aids who accompanied him