Bowd. Coll. Sept. 2d, ' 47
Dear Brother.
I have been intending to write a few words to you, before leaving Brunswick, but came near failing.
I have been so busy. I intended to leave this Afternoon for Portland, but lost my passage, and stay till tomorrow morn; expect to go to Bath, take Huntress to Portland, and by Rail Road can go clear through to Boston for $1.50 from Bath, or stop any where I choose. How long I shall be gone, or where I shall go, I am sure I know not. Perhaps as long or as far as my money some $10,00 or 12.00 will carry me.
I have got somewhat tired out with my weeks work, I assure you. Had quite a long, though pleasant journey hither: by way of Belfast, Thomaston, Wiscasset. Stopped in Belfast, three or four hours, Thurs. night at Cambden; Friday, breakfasted with the Antiquarians at East Thomaston; quite a large & jolly party, when I found them, one was seated in the reading room, with great dignity etc. reading from "Williamson's history of Maine"! (you've seen it)