a few weeks since with six]pupils for the greatest number part of the time but three. I wonder being a man, he do'nt go somewhere else, or do something else. Is there 'a bright, particular star somewhere in New Hampshire, newly discovered? If so will you not favor me with its name and magnitude? Also its probable locality, and when will be the best time to take observation? Did you ever hear of the Monk of La Trappe. Mr Lehea a converted Catholic - he was here a while since, - the Catholics told the Mayor they would make disturbance if he lectured so he prudently closed the doors of the Court House which he had engaged! was it not a courageous and noble course worthy of the free country we live in? The Catholics are numerous here - the Mayor wanted to secure their votes but the citizens are quite indignant about it The Cholera is raging at Chicago 40 or 50 deaths daily it has also made its appearance ten miles south of us but as yet there have been no cases here - but very few last season. This little city by the late census contains 5600 inhabitants, is in a flourishing condition, is remarkably clean and neat in its appearance and as a place of residence pleasant and healthy. There are two lines of Telegraph, plenty of merchants lawyers, physicians and preachers and teachers too, three young ladies to my knowledge are now waiting to obtain situations besides two or three gentlemen teachers in the same predicament. If I could but teach Algebra, I could have a good situation here another year, but as another teacher must be hired at least to take that Class, Mrs. H. if she wants me another year will not be able to give the compensation I ought to receive for I am qualified to instruct in more branches than any one teacher has time to teach as than would be required in Instructions where there are district departments. Aff'ly Sister Ann Please Write soon. Written up the left side: I wish you and Joseph could travel far to see some of your knowledge of Botany, you could spare some and I need it. I was foolish not to make myself acquainted with Algebra & Botany when it was in my power. It is now too exhausting to study much while teaching.