June, They love very fine little animals and very hardy ive had a very pleasant - up to the church - - is shaded on each side by large Sycamore trees near the Church is a beautiful garden belonging to the English Consul one of the prettiest on the island, the American Consul is very much of a gentleman he gave us a blow-out which we all enjoyed laid in a lot of stores for our map at this place sailed on the 29th for Santa Cruz in 24 hours - - - at anchor in the above mentioned place. Santa Cruz is the capital of the island of Jeneriffe(?) it is a real historical hole and is resorted too more by slaveries than any other - . - Penical ran a - down some 4 years ago took him and delivered him over to the Spanish authorities, Santa Cruz is a strongly fortified place it was at this place that Lord Nelson lost him arm. There is a stand of colors in one of the churches that was taken from him at the battle, Santa Cruz contains 10,000 inhabitants and is situated on the SE side of the island. The NE and SE part of the island is remarkably rough and barren.