of still better situations and permanent employment. But now I am almost getting discouraged about it. If I cannot have my health here, it is not worth while for me to stay. I shall go into office and stay a few weeks until Cooler weather and see if I regain my health. Of course as soon as I dare to make any plans or arrangements for the future, you will be informed of them at once. So you think George will not go to College. It is very natural that, as a College graduate, I should have a prejudice in favor of a College Education. There are advantages, at a good College, which cannot be found elsewhere. Still one may obtain as thorough mental cultivation without a College Course, for after all the success of the student depends, not upon advantages or circumstances, but upon himself alone. Mr. Roots at whose house I am is originally from Connecticut, son of a Presbyterian Clergyman. He was an Engineer on the Western R.R. Came out here some twelve years since when the State was trying to build Railroads. When the Rail Roads failed & stopped, he lost his business, but had embarked his property in Illinois Land Speculation and could not get away. He became a very successful Teacher here, but has now gone to Engineering again, and is one of our Ill Central Engineers. Mr Hatch, of whom you speak, I have seden. He was a member of Waterville College while I was of Bowdoin, but we were Brothers of the same Society, the "Delta Kappa Epsilon." I receive letters from Maine frequently, one last night. Mother brothers & Sisters are well as usual. Sister Lucy's health & strength are improving. Brother Eliab was out west even as far as Chicago, upon business, last month. He would have visited me, but found it would take as long to come from Chicago here as to go home, and he could not spare the time: so I had to be contented with letters and with thinking that he was only a few hundred miles off. Well I must close, with love to Father, Mother, brother and Sister and to Antoinette in particular and especially. Sincerely I.S.