Whole country around Santafee would be a perfect [?Wash?] of Sand, the land is scrached by the Mexican plow and planted there the Sicca Water is turned into little channels and the Whole field is [?] with water the result is a good [?grass?]
Thursday Sep 16 The Mexicans are a peculiar people both in dress & [?] The Men are Seldom Seen without the Shawl or striped Blanket on the shoulder it is his coat by day and his Blanket by night. Brown shirting pants Moccassins and a straw hat compleat his and for the Women wear Calico dresses without hoops and a Serappe or Long shawl on the head shoes & stockings the American Ladies here wear hoops & Bonnets and are quite [?] Bread and Mutton Seems to be the only Substantials sold by the Mexicans one finds no Butter or cheese except the Mexican Cheese which is the cheese cured press and Eaten fresh. this luxury is not often used by all, [?] and Whiskey is for Sale by both Sex and it is doubtful whether Col. Fontleroy or the Mexicans indulge the [?Mash?] for then they are a civilized and inteligent people. There is a Small [?]