Sabbath Aug. 3 The lack of Sabbath privileges is the worst thing here. I have been out in Perry, Jackson & Washington Counties since July 1st, and have been able to attend meeting but one Sabbath. We have been unusually badly situated however in that respect. There is usually Methodist Preaching of some sort, often poor, most every where about the country, most of the people appear to be Methodist, and their ministers are very abundant. By riding 4 or 5 miles, I attend meeting one day at Du Quion, where are several families of Eastern people and a Presbyterian preacher, half the time at least, supported in part by the Missionary Society. Mr Roots, to whose care I wanted my first letters directed before I became known as I now am at the P.O. in shows house I stop when here, is an Episcopalian: what they call a Lay Reader, and holds service regularly in due form in his house every Sabbath.