57 Awarria who should greatly distinguish himself in battle, the people of his town would honor him by giving him a new name & hoeing his corn field.
Women have in certain cases dressed in men's clothes and went to bathe. On making peace between Creeks & Cherokees sometime ago the Creeks, a great number, came part way with eagle feathers; also the Cherokee went to meet the Creeks with the unclear -- Creeks sent word they had come to make peace -- eagle tail dance -- Holy place -- Especially Ke teu hi pue of the Baptist Mission in the valley Towns & another some distance from it, called Tu li tri squa yi. They supposed there to contain lays cities of Na ne hi . In the east, they would hear a person whoop on the top, & then unclear the Yowah, & immediately hear the drum in the bottom of the members. words scratched out But in the mornings when they had washed their hands & purified themselves etc unclear vol 1. P. 2, 98. Note. This purification of the unclear. by unclear in the sea? before they prayed to God every morning & before they set about translating, may be compared with the unclear practice of Peter the