Nov. 13th. I got a big letter from Bangor today. Joseph, Lucy & Samuel. I haven't heard from Anne yet since she reached Racine, expect to soon. Lucy had a letter just before she wrote to me.
Lucy & Samuel have taken it into their heads to give me abundant advice to the effect "get married"! What is it best to do about it? They like it so well they think every body else must. The trouble is, they go only half way. their advice is too general. they say "Marry": the question is "whom?" Lucy leaves me very much in doubt whether her preference would be for Olive Furber, or Lizzie Doe! What do you think of her taste? I do not know but my taste would be rather a hard one to suit: though after all I am a little inclined to think that there is not so much difference: that whoever the parties, the fault is one's own if not suited in the end. Characters are moulded to the circumstances & companions they meet with, in great measure, spite of Story & romance. As respects Society & every thing of that kind, my position is certainly very far from favorable: it was bad enough at Northfield Since I came down here I have gone up to Northfield on Sabbath 9 miles, on Sat. night: but believe I shall go over to Montague only, 4 miles in future mostly. My present Post Office Direction is "Grouts" on Grouts Corner, Mass.
Perhaps I better not tell you what sort of a place it is: nor how the Tavern, our boarding house, has 50 boarders, 20 beds, & a Dining Room that seats 15! However I am very comfortable. "The Engineer" has a large room, perhaps the last in the house. It is R.R. Office, filled of course with Drawing tables, books, tools & paper, & has two beds, one for me, one for my two Assistants. But you know we do as we choose, furnish us or room with whatever we like, & Vt. & Mass. pays the bills! The great thing for me, plenty of best Sperm Candles. One thing Grouts is better than Northfield; it has no idlers. Do write soon, frequently, often. Love to All, Write me about all. JJvJ? Aff. I.S.M. JJ.?