120 1761. "Col: Grant marched after them," (The Indians who had massacred the garrison evacuating Fort Loudon) "Near the battle ground of last year, the Indians met them, a battle ensued and the whites obtained a victory. after which, the Colonel marched his regiment to Echoe and burnt it, and all the towns in the middle settlements. Their houses & cornfields were destroyed, & the whole of their country laid waste. The Indians sued for peace, & this war closed in the summer of that year.
"The only settlements which had been made in the vicinity of fort Loudon, were in consequence of this war broken up. But as soon as tranquillity was so far restored, as to admit of hunting with safety, 15 or 20 persons allured by the prospects, formed themselves into a company, and came into the place now called Carter's Valley, in East Tennessee. These men gave names to the chief mountains & rivers. In 1761 the celebrated Daniel Boon, made an excursion from North Carolina, to the waters of Holston." - Tenn: Gaz: