We send you 2 pr shirts want you should write what you suppose you can get for them made without bosom one pr is extra heavy stout cloth fear you cant get what they are worth They ought to be not les than 4$ for one pr & 4,50 for the other I send you one for stockings long & good and one pr stout norm gloves just to see what I can get for such if I can afford to shall knit more if you can't sell them C may carry them when he goes down to Mr Thomsons who trades in waders where his son lived going 2/ or 2/3 for slacking Mrs Sargent says - why don't you come up as much tis strange you don't write have you nothing to say about the House in hast good bye
C. sends enclos'd in this 13 dollars which is to buy flour 2 barrells he will feel oblig'd to you or Eliah if you will buy the flour as & when you think it best no particular hurry about it only to get A when tis cheapest we've got enough to last several weeks has not paid his taxes is going to try to hire Alfred Aldman and try to get out some shingles to pay him &c If you have any news from Isaac since he started on his Engineering send it. do you know whether he has got his trunk out of patience at not having a word from any of you.