and is a witness, whether he hath seen a unknown of it; unclear he do not alter it, he shall unclear his iniquity." unclear in Lev. ch: 26: etc & 39. --
266. " A custom once prevailed that when the moon changed, they hold the palms of their hands forward & showed them over the face. Job 31. 27. And my heart hath been secretly enticed, or my mouth hath kissed my hand. ---
268 "An ancient custom is still in use in some parts of the nation, of making sacrifices. When the green beans became eatable, & when the green corn becomes fully
eared. At the former festival, the dance lasted four days; at the latter; one night, & in the morning sacrifices were offered. -- Lev. Ch 23. v. 10. order of G.C. feast -- Exod 22.29 etc. 23 v 19 etc. Numbers XX 19-20. --
267. "Mr. Love" "has seen the whole congregation get in a circle, with a priest in the centre, speaking, & frequent, casting his eyes up to Heaven, whilst the assembly sat in the unclear places. 1. Josephus 261, 298. 1 Samuel Ch: 26. v. 7. unclear David & Abishai came to the people by night; & behold, Saul lay sleeping within the trench, & his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster, : but Abner & the people lay round about him." --