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51 Dreams. To dream of seeing and person going towards the west, is a sign that that person is soon to die. To dream of seeing any one with eagles feathers in his hand or to dream of having such feathers is a sign of death and mortality. To dream of seeing a house burning is a sign that one or more will soon die in the house. To dream of seeing any one going down a steam of high water is a sign that that person will soon die. To dream of hearing any family, or any number of individuals singing and dancing was a sure sign that they would soon die. In case some one in a family is sick, and some other member of the family dreams of a stream of low, clear water, the one sick is sure to recover, but if the stream is rising and full, either the sick person or some one else is soon to be very sick. To dream of seeing a person or any animal dead is a sing of a sickness. To dream of a marriage is a sign of sickness. For hunters to dream of having bread, or peaches, or any kind of fruit, is a sign of killing deer. Hunters, therefore pray for such dreams. To dream of seeing a woman, is a sign of having the ague and fever. For a hunter to have a dream of having his gun lost, broke, is a sign he will kill nothing during the winter.To dream of seeing water rising around a house is a sing of sickness, but if it falls away without running into the house none will die; but if some strikeout: if some of the water runs in, one or more will soon die. To dream of clothes being on fire is a sign of sickness. To dream of seeing a person with very clean clothes is a sign that person will not live long. To dream of fence being down is a sign of death. To dream of seeing an eagle or crane on the ground, or flying low, is a sign that some one will soon die. In case that any person in sickness, dreams of seeing any kind of snake, it is a sign that that snake, by witchcraft, has occasioned the sickness, citation: Nutrawi. To dream of lice is a sign that the person on whom they were will soon be sick. citation: Nutrawi. To dream of flying is a sign that the person who dreams will live to a great age. citation: S. Candey.