Blk throated green warbler? Seek no further? apple tree fell over by corn-house
Sun. May 2. 1897 threatening big rain last night Annual Ch. Coll. for A.M.A. Sermon on "Not as the world giveth, give I unto you' Cadmus, S.S. better. Lake Ave. 15 present. Quartette practice 6 p.m. C. E. meeting delegates elected for Co. Conv?. Quartette sang 2 pieces as Meth. Ch. in eve. "Sweet Sabbath Eve" and "Haven of Rest". Sermon on "Servants" e.g. especially Eliezer of Damascus. also Oneimus and conclusion "servants of God." Knapp preached for Cadmus in eve. Neuralgia.
Mon. 3 cloudy went to wood lot stayed all day. no dinner. finished fence. grubbed up poplar trees. Heard water thrus. Foley + Benton called in eve. Quartette practice 7:45
Tues. 4 cloudy a.m. Marion + I went to cemetary and got Copar to fix up Ethels grave at Harold's request. Ordered invitations printed for Lake Ave. Anniversary p.m. cutting up apple limbs etc. eve. to Ridgeville co. S.S. Conv?. Quartette sang.