Chicago, Sept. 19th 1888 H.B. Stone Esq Gen'l. Mgr. C.B. & L.R.R. City Dear Sir: Following you will please find reports of Opr J.H. from Sept 11th to Sept 18th inclusion. Tuesday, Sept 11th 1888 Today is Chicago under instructions received from Asst. Supt. J.C. May, Opr. took charge of Alex. Smith and remained with him in the City all day. Nothing occurred to report. Opr. reports substantially the same thing for Wednesday, Sept 12th Thursday Sept. 13th Friday, Sept. 14th Saturday, Sept. 15th, Sunday, Sept. 16th and Monday, Sept. 17 Tuesday, Sept. 18th 1888 Today in Chicago under instructions received from Ass't. Supt. J.C. May Opr. took Alex Smith to Wheaton, the county seat of Dupagrbest guess County, to give his evidence in the case against Jus. A. Bauresen of Aurora. Smith was not called upon as the court was not ready, but he will have to get there tomorrow, nothing occurred to report. Yours Respectfully Pinkerton's Nat'l. Det. Agcy by W.A. Pinkerton Gen'l Supt. West Div AR