United States Government. You will, therefore, please to inform the proper officer of the same, and to direct the payment of this year's annuity, without delay, to John Martin, Esq., the national treasurer.
We are, Sir, your obedient servants, John Ross, Principal Chief, George Lowry, Assist P. Chief
Benjamin F. Currey, Esq
United States Agent The War Department at WAshington had informed the Delegation that the stirkeout Cherokee annuities were deposited with Lieut: Bateman, who was stationed as Disbursing Officer strikeout at the Agency. The Principal Chief went thither, naturally imagining that Mr. Currey must have communicated the protest & order; but to his surprise, Mr. Currey had been entirely silent. Mr. Ross then addressed a letter to Lieut: Bateman, as follows * See opposite