Anne Hampden Nov. 1850 I write an appendix to Almeda's letter, though I know not what she has written to say that I think of taking the stage to Milo not until next Mond. or possibly Wednes. because it seems rather necessary for me to stay a day or two after the [nurse?] goes at the end of this week Lucy is steadily progressing in health and strength ate a cup brimful of oysters for dinner to day will talk when we tell her not to, is really getting along finally; has taken no medicine for several days and sleeps well. Mrs Finnigan is just finishing the cleaning the carpets are changed [unclear] Furber is down but did not stay here any. We had a great soup for dinner to day with some splendid dumplings which Almeda made after my [unclear] we intend boiling a '[big?] quantity' of beef for mince pies this P.M. Lucy's dress is nearly done, I have been up to the city, bought Almeda a cap for .50 &