Tues 27 clear + cloudy cool Wind N.W. Struck tent at 4 unclear A.M. Passed over a very strong + rough road to unclear camped 4 unclear down the cr good camping. Cummingham killed an ox Wed 28 clear cool Wind N.E.E. Struck tent at 7 1/2 A.M. Passed over a good for unclear 8 m rought the Willow Spr on the left of road good water grass + wood camped Met a company of soldiers going to Hot Springs Thud 29 clear warm Wind S.E. Struck tent at 8 a.M. Passed over rough + strong road to Rush Springs [?Thema?] down a cr that runs in to clear at the unclear of Lake had to pass through a unclear rather bad getting along camp on the west side of good grass water not very good wood scarce Frid 30 clear warm Wind E.S.E. Struck tent at 8 A.M. Passed along the bank of Lake several miles road rough + [?stoney?] to steep descent very bad, Good to Fort unclear sand good grass + water no wood Good place to [?rescrit?] teams